Leavings is an interactive installation using rubbish collected from the local area. This will be repurposed into a sculpture which will reside in front of my house in Loughborough. 

The aims of this installation are to create an immersive & meditative environment that is accessible, fun and inspiring; whilst also challenging the neighbourhood and the wider community to consider the environmental impact that we are having on the planet. 

This installation responds to human interaction.  A proximity sensor will be mounted on a board at the front of my home which will trigger audio samples.  These sounds are produced from recordings of the litter being cut, compressed, dropped, or manipulated. The intention is to emulate sounds found in nature - from the gentle blowing of the wind through the leaves to the song of a morning bird.  These soundscapes will also have binaural properties, and thus serve as gentle mediations, which are enjoyed alongside a corresponding colour to match the mood. 
These photos are a work in progress from my studio and represent phase one of the project.  The final install will take place on Burton Street in Loughborough and grow organically across the whole month of July 2021. 

BBC Radio Leicester interview 28.06.2021

I spent parts of lockdown like many others walking around my local area and in the country.  I am very fortunate to live around the Charnwood Forest, however I found myself facilitating litter picks in the area during lockdown as some areas, particularly unmanaged wild woods and permissive paths saw a sharp rise in traffic.  This resulted in an increase in rubbish and fly tipping without an access team to help clear it up. 

The installation will attempt to raise awareness to the issues that we have faced both culturally and environmentally.  Culturally, unlike other countries it feels like we are not as proactive at teaching future generations the correct outdoor etiquette from a young age.

Environmentally - we are also guilty of creating and disposing of too much rubbish.  I hope that an installation built out of waste will raise awareness to the unsustainable way that we are collectively agreeing to live on this planet.
To repurpose it effectively, the collected rubbish is being cleaned and pressed into shapes found in nature, such as leaves. These will be installed onto the front of my house and in a large bare tree which is clearly visible to the entire street. 
Sensors which are mounted on a board to the railing at the very front of my home will be available to the public to use throughout the duration of the exhibit. This board will also serve to offer instructions and more info about the project.  Interacting with the sensor will trigger the sounds as described above. 

I am actively encouraging the local neighbourhood to get involved & create their own interpretation of the project, using flattened litter to decorate their front spaces. 

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